Wednesday, March 3, 2010

More pictures of my garden

I thought I would share some additional photos of my house and garden and highlight some of the sustainable features that have been incorporated into the design. The paving and edging throughout the garden uses recycled brick. These bricks have been pulled up from jobs that we have worked on through our sustainable landscaping company Green Rooms.

Buried beneath the paving is a 5,000L rainwater tank which is used to water the garden, green walls and the green roof. I am surprised at how quickly this amount of water is used up. The majority goes to watering the vegetables and fruit trees. I am currently looking into a suitable grey water system but am mindful that in a small garden a system that goes straight from the washing machine to the garden can cause problems over time with buildups of salts and other pathogens in the soil. To minimise this problem the grey water system needs to have a diverter on it so that different zones can be watered during different weeks. Remember though that grey water can not be used in the vegetable garden or on herbs.

In the top corner you can see a pizza oven that I have built. It is a fantastic addition to any backyard and if you have the room I highly recommend one. The wood that I use in the oven consists of cypress and Australian hardwood timber offcuts as well as hardwood timber that I source from a local tree maintenance company. My aim is to one day eat a pizza that is entirely made from produce grown in the garden. The toppings will be easy but growing and grinding the wheat for the flour will be the biggest challenge.

This is one of my two raised vegetable garden beds. This bed is built using naturally termite resistant Australian cypress. Having a raised bed is great for my son Fynn as it is at a perfect height for him to pull out all the little seedlings which unfortunately in his eyes look very similar to the weeds that I am pulling out.

The corn out the front is almost ready and the cucumbers are still producing on the chook house roof. I have some brocolli, lettuce and silver beet ready to plant out this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Owning a home a matter of pride for most residents and they choose to make their dwellings special by creating the perfect landscaped garden. Read on to know how hiring a landscape designer can help you realize the garden of your dreams. garden maintenance sydney
